Inside the port of Bar, the main cargo port in Montenegro, there are 4 truck scales (highlighted in red in the map below). They measure the exact weight of cargos entering and leaving the port.

The Pilot Action, implemented by the Port of Bar thanks to the AdriPass Plus Project, consists of 2 parts:

  • upgrade of the LUBARIS (Luka Bar Information System), the IT system currently used in the port, where the data of truck scales are stored;
  • updating/improvement of the Port Community System (PCS) of the Port of Bar, composed by 84 companies (forwarders, maritime agents) and Institutions, connected by an electronic platform for exchanging of documentation.

Thanks to AdriPass Project, truck module used in the LUBARIS System has been already improved. With the upgrade by AdriPass Plus Project, the LUBARIS System will send the data from truck scales to PCS and vice versa.

In addition, the second part of the pilot activity is focused on integration of the LUBARIS System with the PCS of the Port of Bar.

Within this pilot activity, stakeholders (agents and freight forwarders) will not have to physically come to pick up the paperwork, but they will be able to see through the PCS every truck that is being scaled, and in addition, they will be able to export all that data to the CSV or similar format and then use them for personal data processing.