This year the ADRION 3rd Annual event and the 2nd ADRION Capitalisation event went fully digital. Both events were held back to back on 3rd December from 10 to 14.30. The occasion was an [...]
This year the ADRION 3rd Annual event and the 2nd ADRION Capitalisation event went fully digital. Both events were held back to back on 3rd December from 10 to 14.30. The occasion was an [...]
On 2nd December, after three years of fruitful cooperation, the partnership of the ADRIPASS project, led by the Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat, organised [...]
On 18th November, the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the ADRIPASS project went digital through the virtual gathering. The Project Partners stated the finalisation of [...]
SAVE THE DATE for Interreg ADRION Annual and 2nd Capitalisation Event Join the conference online on 3rd December 2020 Register here Let grow the [...]
After three years of fruitful cooperation, we are honored to invite you to the Final conference of the ADRIPASS project under the topic “Strategies and tools [...]
For a better "container" flow information On February the 6th, a workshop for members of the port community was held at the premises of the [...]
On 11th of December 2019 The Port of Koper - Luka Koper presented the works carried out within the framework of the ADRION Interreg projects SUPAIR, [...]
On December 10th, 2019, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia hosted the first ADRIPASS dissemination event in Belgrade, Serbia. The event is held [...]
On December 5th, 2019, during the Annual Meeting of the International Road Transporters, titled „Susreti međunarodnih cestovnih prijevoznika u Bosni i Hercegovini“, the Foreign Trade [...]
The ADRIPASS project will be presented at the dissemination event in Ankaran (Slovenia) on 11th December 2019. Luka Koper will take the opportunity to present the three [...]