The Port of Igoumenitsa is the 2nd most important port for passenger traffic between Greece and Italy and is one of the major gates to/from South East Europe. A long-term plan to cope with changes linked to the increase in the number of passengers, cars, tourist flows, environmental pressure and the next building of a second cargo center in the area is currently being designed by the Port Authority together with the coastal regional authority of Thesprotia.

Within the ADRIPASS project, the Regional Unit of Thesprotia worked in cooperation with the Port Authority of Igoumenitsa to develop:

  • A web-based platform for PCS flows’ analysis about sea and road transport flows.
  • A virtual navigation mobile app, addressed mainly to vehicle drivers.

How the web-based platform and the mobile app work

The Regional Unit of Thesprotia in cooperation with Igoumenitsa Port Authority (OLIG) and Egnatia Motorway, provide useful information about sea flows (mainly the arrivals/ departures from/ to Corfu and Italy, berths per vessel type) and road transport flows of the area (from/to Igoumenitsa based on data of the toll station of Egnatia Motorway at the regional borders of Thesprotia). All this information is available in a comprehensive and user friendly way at

The system provides information of sea transport flows from 2006, while road transport data are available for the past 5 years. The platform is accessible to other transport stakeholders and public authorities, with limited user permissions, providing them with a customized level of information adjusted according to their needs. Thanks to ADRIPASS project the platform improves the transport planning capacities of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia and other transport stakeholders taking into account the strategic position of the area in the West Balkans.

The virtual navigation mobile app, addressed mainly to vehicle drivers, provides useful information about critical points within the port area i.e terminals, control check points, tickets/ security cards, as well as the relevant documentation needed at each critical point. The mobile app aims at facilitating better connection from/ to the Port and Egnatia Motorway, in order to streamline freight traffic flow and minimize the truck traffic congestion in the city of Igoumenitsa. The app is available on the Google Play ( and the App Store (